Proper cleansing and hygiene of the oral cavity ensures the health of teeth and gums, as well as long and successful sustainability of tooth replacements or placed implants. With a superior professional experience, professional solutions and state-of-the-art medical devices, our oral hygienist colleague will take care of your perfect and healthy smile. Please contact us by filling in the following Form.
An integral part of the above mentioned procedures is a professional oral hygiene treatment performed regularly at the clinic, which includes an ultrasonic tartar removal and cleansing of discoloured teeth with sandblasting and polishing.
How does teeth tartar form?
A plaque forms on your teeth, which then hardens into tartar. Bacteria and organic substances in your mouth will form a plaque. Dissolved minerals in your saliva will precipitate in the plaque in the form of salts, which results in the formation of aesthetically disturbing yellowish-brown hard tartar.
What is the risk of tartars?
Plaques and tartars may have multiple harmful consequences: periodontal diseases may develop, such as acute and chronic gingivitis, which can lead to further bone destruction and teeth loss.
Many people are prone to forming of tartar, since their saliva contains minerals in a higher concentration.
How does ultrasonic tartar removal work?
The so-called scaler used during ultrasonic tartar removal works extremely gently, so that it does not damage the enamel; in addition, it is completely painless and fits in even narrow interdental spaces. With the scaler, even tartars located under the gum can be removed. For a more precise result fine-grained sand is also blasted on the teeth. A perfectly shining and smooth final result is then ensured by a machine polishing paste and brushes of various shape.