After removing a tooth: What you may eat?

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What you may and may not eat after removing a tooth?

Although often mixed up with tooth extraction, tooth removal is a more cumbersome procedure during which a tooth is removed bit by bit. This process requires multiple occasions, so you may need to pay close attention to the intervention site in your mouth for up several weeks.
For this you should follow a good hygiene routine and it is important to avoid physically demanding activities during treatment. In addition, unnecessary strain on the treated tooth should be avoided; therefore, neither smoking nor “poking” at your tooth with your tongue is recommended.
All of these are perhaps obvious, but what to eat and what not to eat after tooth removal is a very different question. This will be discussed below.

What you may and may not eat after removing a tooth?

How to eat after a tooth removal?

Not only is it important what you consume after tooth removal, but also how you do it. In the first place, it is definitely worth chewing on the opposite side to the removed tooth, at least for a couple of days after procedure.

Since it is worthwhile to switch to a liquid diet in this case, it may seem a reasonable idea to use a straw to consume them. However, this is not recommended because blood clot that forms within the wound may be removed during sucking with the straw, which hinders the regeneration process.


What to eat after removing a tooth?

For the first 24 hours, only liquid foods and very soft mashed potatoes should be consumed. After a day or two, you can gradually return to your usual diet, depending on how you feel. Yoghurt, puddings, sauces, scrambled eggs and creamy soups are all good choices during this period.

It is important that whatever you consume is not too hot. Ice creams are also allowed, of course only if they do not contain hard, crispy pieces or tough sugars. You may also want to eat ice cream from a cup, not from a crispy funnel.


What not to eat after removing a tooth?

Hard, crispy, tough, sticky foods should be completely avoided for at least a week after tooth removal. Even foods of small particle size are not recommended because they can interfere with blood clotting in the wound. Tough and chewy meats should also be avoided in this period, so dairy products will be the main sources of protein. Alcohol consumption is not recommended either, especially during the days of analgesic treatment following the intervention.

Following a tooth removal, recovery may take up to several weeks. That is why it is important that you do not hinder this process in any way and strictly follow your dentist's advice on dental care and diet. If you experience any unexpected pain or other issues, first return to soft, liquid foods immediately and talk to your dentist about possible solutions.


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